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Old 10-19-2019, 09:44 AM   #5
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Spaceship Weapons and Gravity Layout

For gravity backups, having attractor-repulsor pairs at opposite sides of the ship could work. With the naval orientation, for example, you could have an array of attractor disks in the ventral portion of the ship, with a corresponding array of repulsor disks in the dorsal portion. For the crew, the attractive and repulsive forces would be in the same direction (“down”) and would probably be indistinguishable from each other. Up to you if you want both to generally be “on” (and thus loss of one cuts gravity in half, potentially adjustable back up to full) or if you want to have one always on and the other to turn on only when needed (so loss of one either has no effect or causes a brief few moments of zero G before the backup turns on). You should be able to manage a similar scheme with the rocket orientation as well.

Also, unless loss of gravity is unlikely without leading shortly to the destruction of the ship, the crew should be well-trained for zero G, and SOP should be to secure any loose tools/etc as soon as one is done using them (built-in electromagnets to let you stick it to any nearby metal surface when not in use would be useful). The skills are too important in space to neglect, and training isn’t exactly difficult when you’re already in space (just shut off the gravity to train).
GURPS Overhaul
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