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Old 06-19-2018, 12:07 AM   #11
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: More choice for "Engaged" figures?

Originally Posted by Steve Jackson View Post
Dodge/defend protects regardless of DX of attacks. Is there someting that needs improving with the wording?
Yes, we have discussed it on at least two other threads:

Some people take the Options list literally to mean that you can't Defend unless engaged, can only Defend if you move 1 hex or less, so you have to declare an option and then can't change it till your adjDX comes up.

My friends and I however thought that the Changing Options rule clearly indicates you can change your option at any time to respond to changing conditions, and it can be any option including Defend or Dodge if you moved 1/2 MA or less. So if I have DX 11 and said I was meaning to cast a spell, but a DX 13 archer shoots at me, I can elect to Dodge when I notice that (and then I'm stuck with Dodge and can't cast). Also you can Defend without being engaged (e.g. so you can try to avoid 2-hex jab). It also means that if I say I'm Defending but no one attacks me by the time my adjDX comes up, that I can switch to Attack at that point (though of course then I won't be defending if someone does attack me later).
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