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Old 05-10-2014, 11:41 AM   #141
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

I've tried for years to find out if other languages have color terms for human skin color. English fails significantly at that (match you skin to a paint and put it on the wall - what color is that?), which I think is part of our wrong-think about race in general. Seriously, though - what is the Chinese word for skin color? This bugs the crap out of me in my African setting - the people in the setting see a wide variety of skin tones, from pure black to reddish brown, the yellowish of the !Kung, etc, but I have a hard time coming up with words. This is what I came up with...

The waKoka are the everyday people of the Empire. They are very varied in appearance, though certain physiotypes are associated with certain clans. KiKoka has eight different words for skin tones, ranging from the yellowish brown of the Quena (seen in Earthly Khoisan) to the ebony of the waXuchu pygmies. The Bassa Ngo refuges added aquiline noses and slight epicanthic folds. The flat Bantu nose and thin Nubian noses with wide nostrils are also present. Hair texture ranges from medium to wiry, but all Bantu have kinky hair, while Pygmies typically have peppercorn.

There are five standards of beauty in the Empire, related to the four founding cities and the native baChwezi peoples. The Vungu type, most attractive in females, is short, ebony skinned with wide hips and large breasts. The Bassa Ngo type is tall and thin with aqualine nose, epicanthic folds and a reddish tint to the skin. Zimbabwe beauties are of medium height and proportions, with rich, chocolate skin and nubian noses, while Embo types (best in men) are tall with flattened, Bantu noses and darker skin. The baChwezi clans are tall and have lighter complexions and dimples, but are mostly noted for charisma, highly expressive faces and natural grace. Many waKoka are also attracted to the Pygmies, especially the women, who have very pronounced buttocks and breasts.
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