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Old 12-07-2017, 03:50 PM   #11
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Innate Attack: Fixed 2 damage cost?

Originally Posted by Sorenant View Post
Can I have a quick explanation on what I get from and why I should get that article? Between the year end expenses and exchange rates, US$8 is not something I'm willing to spent for an article without good reason...
The article give you a baseline from which you can build the majority of melee weapons as Powers. It includes modifiers such as Destructive Parry (like a Force Sword), Disarming, Flexible (which can extend to being able to wrap up foes, like a whip), Unbreakable, Two-Handed, and so forth. I've also used it to great effect in designing other powers, including replacing Imbuements with a Technique-based system.

Elsewhere in that issue, you get a system that condenses the wide number of Guns specialties down into something more feasible (and realistic), Bard Song style skills for battlefield commanders and some excellent options for characters coordinating their attacks and similar, and some new interesting ideas for designing campaigns (like Kromm's Buckets of Points, where you split up the points a character gets at creation into specific realms to better guide character creation). There's also some oddities, like a "Take 11" option (comparable somewhat to DnD's Take 10 rule), and expansion of the complementary skills idea, and even some useful lists of modifiers for common uses of skills. If you have issues with DX-monkeys having ridiculous defaults for DX-based skills (or similar for IQ-based skills), there's a system to make defaulting from an attribute less problematic (although personally I think it goes too far, and feel it works well for actual defaulting, while normal GURPS rules are better for buying up skills).

Personally, I felt Natural Weapons alone was worth the issue.
GURPS Overhaul
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