Thread: Munchkin Promos
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Old 02-27-2011, 08:48 PM   #2
Join Date: Sep 2010
Default Re: Munchkin Promos

Hi there Jdtennis83

Orders from Warehouse 23 sometimes seem to have proportional benefits.
Recently I ordered a large amount of product and got some really cool stuff like a Munchkin level counting die.

Currently there are over 10 Munchkin Cthulhu cards available, along with one for booty (which you seem to have), and one for fu.
Then for the original set Henchmonster, Step and a Half, and Mug the Shopkeeper all in color.
There are also some older promo fantasy cards that are not yet in color, but are still super awesome.
Check it out

MY advice on promos items though is that your friendly local MIB might be able to help.
I you do not know, the MIB are the Steve Jackson Games demo team.
I can tell you that if you have any conventions, or local game store in the area you might be able to track down one of my colleagues,
and get some great swag by doing demos with him/her of other great versions of Munchkin, or another outstanding Steve Jackson game.

I recommend checking out the convention page many of which will have an MIB presence.

Also you could use the store locator to find somewhere in your area that might have an MIB as a store liaison.

If you have any other questions feel free to PM me.
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