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Old 07-24-2010, 07:13 AM   #20
SolemnGolem's Avatar
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Location: The Hall of Fallen Columns
Default Re: [Adventure Workshop] Assassination of the Week

The problem with C4 is you end up with so much collateral damage. Also, it's hard to pass the hit off as some sort of accident or other.

Regarding the question about killing the daughter - if you're going after a specific noncombatant, then subtlety may be better than brute force. After all, you're dealing with somebody not too savvy with the assassin's trade, who will presumably place herself more readily in a dangerous situation without realizing it.

Does the daughter like to frequent night clubs? Those are dimly-lit areas with lots of ambient masking noise. Although you might not get away with a suppressed pistol shot, you'd very likely get away with a quick one-sided struggle in the toilets with fiber wire, or outside near the garbage bins where the smokers go. Buy her a drink and slip her something even more dangerous than a roofie.

If she's coming home from a very late night social gathering in an altered state of mind, wait until she's passed out in bed (or in couch) and break into her place. This could be as simple as turning on the gas stove spigots and then leaving quietly after making sure all the windows are shut. If you need more certainty, fill a bathtub and dump her in and hold her under for a five-minute count.

The film Michael Clayton had a pretty interesting assassination. The mark had a number of prescription drugs, and the assassins cased his place and photographed all his drug bottles in his bathroom cabinet. Then they researched which ones could cause a lethal overdose. Ultimately, they crashed his place with a doorknock and a taser, then lifted him back into his own bathroom and gave him an overdose-strength injection of one feasible drug under his big toenail. A few scattered drug containers, and their work was done.
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