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Old 08-17-2012, 08:35 PM   #492
Join Date: Aug 2012
Default Re: Member House Rules

I've have one that I've been working on. It seems like a cool idea, but I haven't been able to play test it yet.

Requires a 20 sided die which will represent the clock, at the start of the game set the clock to the target winning level (10 or 20). Every round, before the starting player's next turn the clock counts down by 1.

While the clock is ticking:
Any monsters that are discarded without being killed or without doing Bad Stuff to a player are instead discarded to a separate clock discard pile.

Players may add one monster per turn to the clock pile as long as the monster's level is more than twice the player's level.

Players may discard 3 cards to wind the clock up or down. They announce which direction they want to wind it and roll a d6, adding or subtracting half the dice roll, rounded up.

When the clock runs out:
Turn the clock discard pile over and shuffle it.

Before kicking down a door a player rolls to run away, if they fail they draw from the clock pile rather than the door pile.

If a player faces a monster with a level less than half of theirs another monster from the clock pile is wandered in automatically.

Other players may play a wandering monster or similar ability to add a monster from the top of the clock pile rather than from their hand.

When the clock pile is empty the clock is reset.

In theory this should make for a much more interesting, or at least more dangerous end game, giving the level 15+ monsters that come up against level 2 Munchkins a second chance to cause some damage. It also lowers the odds of someone winning by killing a potted plant. If anyone gets a chance to try it out, let me know how it goes.
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