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Old 02-14-2018, 07:31 AM   #17
Kelly Pedersen
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Default Re: Negative Hit Point effects

Originally Posted by jsbrewster1 View Post
But if the unslowed character moves out of range of the injured character, isn't it a Move & Attack at -4 to get back into range without being attacked herself? Otherwise, they are back on even footing again, as long as the injured party keeps making HT rolls.
Only if the uninjured character chooses to come back into range, though, is the thing. If I was in a one-on-one duel, and had dropped my enemy to negative HP, I'd simply keep opening the range with them. If they keep coming after me, they'll be the one having to make Move and Attacks, with the -4 penalty, and eventually they'll fail an HT roll. And if they just stand there panting, I have time to do various things to set up my own attacks. I can Evaluate, for example, which under normal circumstances means I can get up to +3 on my next attack. That would let me eliminate the penalty for a targeted attack to the vitals or a limb, for example, which could end the fight right there. Or I could ready a ranged weapon, and just start plinking the wounded character. Or I could wait for my friends to arrive, and completely finish them off with numbers. Lots of options. The key thing to remember is that the character with negative HP is in trouble. They're going to be standing for a few more seconds, at best. If they try anything besides moving at a slow walking pace (1 yard per second), including anything that requires serious mental effort (a Concentrate maneuver is not a Do Nothing maneuver!), they'll pass out in fairly short order. If my opponent is at negative HP and I'm not, and the opponent doesn't have allies to fight instead of them, they're basically defeated, it's just a matter of time.
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