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Old 06-05-2019, 08:12 AM   #4
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Sexually Dimorphic Races [Fantasy]

The templates haven’t been built yet - largely because I still need to decide if each race will have some sort of unique ability - but I’m playing around a bit with sexual dimorphism in my Oubliette setting. The nornu (giants) and malofae (catfolk) have roughly-Terran levels of sexual dimorphism (so both genders use the same template, but males are more likely to have above-average ST). Pixies have a slightly greater degree of sexual dimorphism (albeit probably not enough to result in separate templates), but halflings have a strong degree of it (males are brawny with ST 7, females are shapely and have ST 5, and the Extreme Sexual Dimorphism trait isn’t off the table). Dwarves are somewhat androgynous, leaning toward masculine (dwarf women can grow beards, although following contact with the other races they typically opt not to), while elves are highly androgynous, leaning toward feminine.
GURPS Overhaul
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