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Old 10-02-2019, 10:33 AM   #30
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Default Re: TFT Books We'd Like to See

Originally Posted by tomc View Post
Mine could be called "procedurally generated", if you accept a random draw as a procedure. :)

There are way more cards than one would need for even an unreasonably long dungeon crawl, so I haven't thought of replacing cards, except for Encounters (between rooms) which are discarded when resolved.

What's more fun is to label the exits of a room with the numbers of the rooms they lead to. It's like numbered paragraphs without the pesky intersections. The downside is that I'd need to actually design an adventure, and render it in card form, and that takes more time than I have these days. :/

Maybe in a month or so it will be polished enough to share.

One way I've determined the difficulty is length of the adventure. More rooms, opponents, and traps, etc, the more difficult, so... My deck can be played with a map or mapless.

In map mode, you difficulty is handled by map size. One scenario is to assume the exit is either a one-way Gate or otherwise inaccessible and you must explore to find the exit. The other is to be able to retreat back to civilization whenever you determine your group has had enough.

In mapless mode, you keep drawing rooms and defeating them until you draw a card that has "Possible Trap or Exit". In map mode this indicates the room has a trap, in mapless, it's the exit. You can have (in my room deck) 1, 2, or 3 of these cards.

In either deck, some rooms are non-threatening (read: empty, or weenie treasure, something of that nature).
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