Thread: Facing
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Old 07-23-2018, 01:14 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2018
Default Facing

The rules seem to say that you can always change your facing at the end of your movement turn. We always interpreted this as at the end of all movement. I other words you can't just run around behind someone that already moved and stab them in the back because they will only turn to face you.

In practice, this means one extra step. Team A moves, Team B moves (and adjust facing at the same time), Team A can adjust facing if they want to, usually not needed since people don't dance around as much.

This removes a lot of shenanigans and allows for higher MA without breaking the system. And it also removes the need of having to count hexes in a one on one situation to "time it right" when closing. And you shouldn't have to worry about getting stabbed in the back in a one on one fight because your opponent literally runs circles around you.

I don't know if everyone does it this way already, or not?

Not really serious...
With a rule like this, MA doesn't have to be capped and a static secondary attribute. It could be equal to adjDX or even (ST+DX)/2 rounded down to the closest even number. Even numbered MA makes it easier to halve in a fight. After all, MA isn't exactly running speed, more like the ability to navigate a combat more or less safely.
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