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Old 11-16-2014, 12:06 PM   #9
vicky_molokh's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Kyïv, Ukraine
Default Re: Reaction Table House Rules

Originally Posted by Edges View Post
With people of the same Status level? Sounds about right.
A typical someone of the same status level would not be affected by the Reputation (among his troops and other soldiers), making that a net +5 instead, which is barely above neutral. That's not what the reaction to someone who is described as awesomely charismatic would look like. In fact, this table means that someone who is described as borderline-superhumanly charismatic (+5) barely gets above neutral reactions on average. That's . . . pretty underwhelming.
Other considerations:
This table makes it much more lucrative to use Influence Skills, but not to put more than one point into them:
Sex Appeal gets awesome in use, being the only semi-reliable way to ensure Very Good reactions.
Diplomacy becomes kinda good in a different way than before: it now gets you a Good reaction on success, but you're likely to get the (neutral-ish) default reaction otherwise.

Note that it's still better to put points into Reaction Modifiers than Influence Skills, because one RM affects most Influence rolls, but one skill is only suitable in some subset of situations. Oh, and RMs still provide reaction bonuses, but they're pretty bad without skills.

So yeah, now there's more synergy between modifiers and skills, but it seems odd in the way they work.
Vicky 'Molokh', GURPS FAQ and uFAQ Keeper
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