Thread: Promoting Ogre
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Old 04-18-2017, 07:35 AM   #6
Misplaced Buckeye
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: Promoting Ogre

The two Ogre/ fan based and more official Facebook pages have done an excellent job of promoting the brand. And now with quality featured editions; don't get me wrong the originals were great but you can't deny that the ODE and new 6e are impressive and will catch people's eyes when brought out to play; it now comes to players to brings them to events and not just keep them at home with a select group
When I run events at FLGS, they always make some sales; the Heroscape people are an easy sell on the system.
Don't wait on a FLGS to promote an event; they make their money on Magic and such; as advocate for ODE suggest you'l run an event if they provide the space and promote the time and pre signup.
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