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Old 06-12-2019, 09:57 PM   #9
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Berkeley, CA
Default Re: Coverage

Originally Posted by Icelander View Post
Note that the vest covers Chest (9-10), not Torso (9-11). And while I agree that ballistic panels rarely cover more than a third of the torso, they generally cover most of the areas likely to be struck that count as the Chest hit location.
That's why I cut the area from 7+ square feet to 5. If we put the boundary at the belt, that 10x12 plate is covering an area that's about 14-15"x16-18", with at least 2" missing on all sides. Discounting the shoulders which are part of the arms, at the top that's the base of the throat and the collar (and the shoulders, but that counts as arms), at the sides it's mostly ribs, at the base it's the stomach and upper intestines (a general problem with GURPS hit locations, not that it's easy to fix in other game systems either, is that you can miss and hit something else).

An odd thing about this is that chance of protection applying is higher when hit probability is higher, because higher hit probability means tighter groups. 'Hit by exactly zero bypasses armor' does a decent job of modeling this but is counterintuitive. Maybe combined with something else where a hit by 0 is a grazing hit.
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