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Old 05-29-2014, 05:28 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2014
Default A few doubt i got.

Hello everyone I recently bought Munchkin Deluxe and played it for the first time last night, so I'm pretty new to the game. After playing it one time and analyzing some card here are some doubt's me and my friends came across.

1. If someone draw a divine intervention card and show it, I'm not a cleric but I have a cleric card in my hand, can I change my class to cleric and go up a level?
2. (I saw this on in the FAQ but I'm not sure if I got it right) Let's say I'm fighting a level 6 Pukachu and someone uses mate on it so now I'm fighting 2 level 6 Pukachu's, after that someone else uses illusion to swap the Pukachu for a Balrog, Am I fighting now 2 Balrog's or 1 Balrog and 1 Pukachu? And what happens to enhancers applied on them now?
3. Pukachu says you gain an extra level if you defeat it without using help or bonuses, does that mean I need to have nothing that gives me +X bonus before the fight or can I just say "I'm level 7 so I can defeat it without any equipment and gain 1 more level."? And does the +X from potions and others one-shot items count's as bonuses to?
4. When fighting a gazebo, does the "No one can help you." means no one can fight with you or no one can help you even with one-shot items?
5. If I play a Stoned Golem during Look for trouble or someone play's it as a wondering monster and I say I will fight him, and after saying I would fight him someone uses an enhancers on him so now I can't defeat him, can I still ignore him and walk past him even after I said I would fight? Or once I make the call that I will fight I need to roll the die to run away from him?
6. What happens to my item when someone kills my hireling with a "Kill the hireling GUAL" card? The hireling card says that if I lose him the item goes too, but at the rules for Half Horse Will Travel it says that if my hireling is killed I may loot his body, and at the deluxe rule it says that if the rule sheet disagrees with a card you should follow the card. I'm currently playing only with Munchkin Deluxe and this hireling is from that set (the munchkin expansions I bought will only arrive next week) but should I assume the text from the card is outdated and use the rules from Half Horse expansion or should I assume the card text overwrites the rules?

Sorry about my English, is not perfect but I thing everything is pretty understandable, everyone loved the game and we are probably going to play it again this weekend. And I'll probably have more doubts next week when the expansions and boosters that I bought arrive. :P
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