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Old 05-05-2019, 03:06 PM   #6
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Default Re: Personally crafted magic disciplines

Originally Posted by Michael Cule View Post
What I'm thinking of is a system where the basics of magic come easy but beyond a certain point you have to undergo some sort of initiation or transformation to progress and that has to be crafted and personal.

And it occurs to me that such stories of personal transformation are not what the average gamer wants to play through. Hmmm.

I don't want it to be mere fluff and chrome but I don't want it to be overly complex and metaphysical.

Hmm. I had best re-read Magical Styles though.

(And to think I posted in ROLEPLAYING IN GENERAL because I didn't want it to be all about GURPS.)
Mage the Ascension (the GURPS version, at least) had "Seekings", quests that PC mages were supposed to complete in order to raise their arete score and progress in magical understanding and power. Theoretically the goal of a seeking was supposed to be symbolic in some way of the mage's essence, and were meant to lead to character growth, not just a higher score on the character sheet. I could see it being very effective with the right GM and group, but I have the feeling that it was ignored a lot in actual play.

A more mechanical approach in GURPS might be to require a magician to invent each new spell, path, realm level, etc., using the invention rules. In that case, magicians would be smart to take Gadgeteer, limited to magic only.
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