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Old 04-07-2014, 06:49 PM   #1
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Location: Southeast NC
Default What happens if you die in Hell?

So the players in my Monster Hunters are on a raid into Hell to investigate a series of disappearances. Immediately on entering, they killed the barrier guardian (i.e. Hell's doorman).

Then they searched around a bit and killed two demons (the image of a werebear shoulder-checking a demon into a lake made up of degenerate souls* is pretty awesome). Then it occurred to them to ask three important questions:

1) Where are we going?
2) Is there any reason we need to kill everything we find?
3) What happens if we die in Hell? (They came to the conclusion that they would go to Super Hell)

Oh, it is fun running a game in which all the characters have Impulsiveness.

* Soul Water, now with 20% more souls!
- Actually one normal sized guy in three tiny trenchcoats.
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