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Old 10-30-2015, 06:39 AM   #5
Gold & Appel Inc
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: One Mile Up
Default Re: [Martial Arts] Aquatic Styles: Sahuagin (Shark Men)

When I was studying for Lifesaving merit badge (required for Eagle Scout by the BSA), we spent a few days on underwater judo. This is a safety measure, because a drowning person in a state of full panic can and will try to climb you out of the water, whether it makes sense or not, unless you subdue them. I'm way better at leveraging another person in water than out, and somebody who had actual points in grappling skills instead of just a lack of a familiarity penalty to their DX would be even more so with the same training.

I'd give the style being described here Judo and Wrestling in GURPS terms, as well as Karate with the option of the Biting Mastery Perk available immediately instead of subject to normal limits as it will be core to the style. Techniques are probably fairly minimal; the philosophy is that you just grapple, maneuver, (optional: apply locks, possibly break limbs), and then bite the problem until it goes away.
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