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Old 10-13-2019, 04:40 PM   #9
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Unkillable enemies [Horror]

Originally Posted by NineDaysDead View Post
Without a decent level Regeneration they'll be out of action for quite a while. Still, they probably won't have too much issue with "suicide" missions.
Such a group could do worse than taking inspiration from the stories and myths of Hassan-i Sabbah’s Asasiyun/hashishi/Assassins - willingly throwing themselves to their deaths, attacking with no regard for their own survival, and so forth could unnerve many opponents. They’re also unlikely to rout and can fight to the last man in any engagement, undoubtedly inflicting casualties well in excess of what their force “should” be capable of.

But, yes, without regeneration they’ll be out for a while. I’m assuming Unkillable with the Mortal Limitation (so they appear to die like normal people). If we assume any that die need to come back from -10xHP (I’m generally more lenient when Mortal is involved), a typical HT 10 character will take around 220 days to come back, while one with HT 12 would take around 150 (and one with HT 16+ would take around 112). Fast Healing cuts these times in half. Slow Regeneration would restore the character in 55 days on its own, a bit faster when combined with natural healing (44 days with HT 10 alone, 28 days with HT 16+ and Fast Healing). Normal Regeneration would restore the character in 110 hours on its own (natural healing is an afterthought), Fast in 110 minutes, Very Fast in 110 seconds, and Extreme in only 11 seconds. Natural healing means the Undying Army can probably only invade once a year, and will largely fight like a more traditional army, albeit less likely to route (and the commander having the option of having them fight to the last for maximum damage to the enemy). Slow regen isn’t a lot better, although those that fall near the beginning of the campaign become available again near the end, and the Undying Army can probably mount more than one invasion a year. Normal regen is the sweet spot IMO, as the Undying Army can likely fight like demons every battle and have their full force likely recovered by the next battle, yet it’s still possible to maintain the secret. They can invade whenever conditions permit. For Fast regen and above, they can’t really keep the secret, but can readily maintain their invasion force within enemy lands, attacking incessantly (the soldiers can even fall multiple times in the same battle). Note with the secret out, the enemy will likely change tactics to better combat the Undying Army - with UK2 they’ll likely bind corpses to the ground or otherwise restrain them, while with UK3 they may favor capturing the Undying alive (and preventing them from suiciding). They’ll likely try to figure out some way to kill or restrain your army permanently, so if they have a Hindrance or Achilles Heel, chances are good the enemy will figure it out eventually.
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