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Old 06-13-2018, 01:54 PM   #5
Join Date: Dec 2017
Default Re: Capping Attributes for Non-Human Characters

All games have to decide how physical reality intrudes into their fantasy game; no one answer to this is 'right', but I would say that once you've made your choice you should try to be consistent. Does falling farther hurt you more than falling a short distance? Do people often die when a piece of metal goes through their head? Can a person lift an oxcart or pin an elephant to the ground? These are all questions that can be answered in several ways, but your collective answers to the whole set of them should at least 'rhyme' with each other. That principle leads me to say that 3' tall, 30-40 pound people can never be as strong as a healthy, athletic 6' tall, 200 pound person. It is just physically ridiculous. Some games treat the physical world ridiculously, but TFT isn't one of them.
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