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Old 01-25-2018, 05:19 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2018
Default Masquerade Enchanted Item

I was wondering if someone could review, and if necessary constructively criticize, this enchanted item. The goal I had was to create a form of Camouflage, and I was inspired by Mind Clouding from Psionic Powers. Basically, it’s an Urban Fantasy setting, and I wanted to create some form of spell that would create the illusion that a large area was normal, when in fact the entire area could have magical creatures interacting openly. Here is one notion that I was playing with.

The spell, when cast, creates an area centered around the caster where everything appears normal and mundane to those who have the Mundane Background Disadvantage, or else everyone who is not Illuminated. It does NOT affect those with the Illuminated Advantage. The introduction of Limited prevents people from exploiting it too much, while the Extended Duration allows it to be used at least for some period of time. The Accessibility cost refers to the fact that, in this setting, almost no one knows about the Supernatural. As such, there would be almost no reduction of cost.

Bound Spell: Masquerade Amulet.

Chameleon lvl 10 [50]
Area Effect: 256 yards [+400% = +200]
Can Carry Objects, No Encumbrance, [+10% = +5]
Cosmic: Affects all senses, including Machines [+50% = +25]
Extended Duration: 5 hours. 300x [+100% = +50]
No Signature: Undetectable -10 [+25% = +13 ]
Accessibility: Only affects those with Mundane Background [0%]
Emanation [-20% = -10]
Magical [-10% = -5]
Limited Use (1minute of activation) [-40% = -20]

Enchanted Item: Amulet [-50% = -25]

Total Cost: 283 points.

In addition, I was wondering about some sort of an observation system to warn people when mortals are coming, if the field should be breached. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about that as well. Thx.
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