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Old 12-08-2017, 08:17 PM   #3
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Luxembourg
Default Re: Drinking During An RP Session

I am well know for spilling drink across the gametable, unfortunately... even if it was only once (or twice...)
but I imagine you were asking about alcoholic drinks, not a pitcher of grenadine syrup or a boiling kettle for tea. (we got lucky with that one, it could have been bad).

I remember only once having a player turn up drunk and disorderly and carrying a pack of cheap beer. He was made to leave immediately (That was at an event, not a regular table).
Another regular player used to be more or less constantly inebriated. He was still a very good player , exuberant and funny right to the point he would quietly fall asleep... That was 25 years ago, I would likely be less tolerant nowadays.

As GM, I have no objection to alcohol at the table in moderation. A beer or two, or sharing a bottle of wine is not uncommon. While I GM I will abstain or keep myself to one very small glass for tasting, but I trust my players to know their limits.

As a player, I will follow the GM/house rules, but if allowed I find that a drink or two help relaxing and enjoying the game.

A proper drink selection also set the mood. A fantasy game call for mead or dark beer, with bread, cheese and sausages; sake with shadowrun, while vampire ask for beer or a fine red wine, and Cthulhu goes well with hard liquor or , alternatively, tea in fine china.
Likewise breaking out the rhum for an "at sea" episode, ...
As with everything, moderation is the key. And dont drink and drive.
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