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Old 07-17-2015, 06:48 AM   #4
weby's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2008
Default Re: [Combat]: Do you bow, bro?

On your example:
A swordman will not move 20. A DX 10 HT 10 character will have a base move of 5 and a sprint of 6.

The speed and range are combined together not calculated separately So at 200 yards, with the swordsman moving at 6 the penalty is 200+6=206 looked on the table or -13.

Thus after one round the sowrdsman is at 194yards +6 speed=200 and -12 and the archer has +3 to hit, still not enugh to allow a roll at base skill 10

One second later he could roll.. as +1 more for aim and +1 further after that..

But at 90+ yards thus -10 to hit he starts to have some possibility of hitting at 10 skill-10+5 aim.. still very low.

But you have to remember that 10 is really low skill, 12 is the skill that is seen as "basic professional" in GURPS, so could have 7- to hit and might be worth taking a shot just because he can thus try again at <70 for at 6-/8-

And again <50 for 7-/9- (this is where the 12 skill will start to have real probability of hitting)

and then <30 for 8-/10-

and then likely shoot two more shots with one above 10 yards at slightly lower aiming time for 9-/11- and the last at about 5 yards at 11-/13-

And if the swordsman does indeed do all put attacks, then it is time to get your knife out and do a telegraphic attack to the vitals..

Further on the damage: The arrows do impaling damage that is an average of 9 points on an unarmored target. One hit is enough to make the swordsman to go reeling: halving his movement speed and to have him roll for major wound and there is a 50% probability of taking him to 0 or below.. causing 50% probability of the fight ending every second. A second hit will make him roll unconsciousness almost certainly(83.3%) every second and has 16.67% probability of forcing an outright death roll.
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