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Old 07-21-2018, 01:08 PM   #16
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: Phasing for falling down/standing up

Originally Posted by Rick_Smith View Post
I found it weird that when you took 5 to 7 points of damage that you were immune to the stun effects until next turn.

So in my campaign, when you are stunned, it starts this turn, and lasts until the end of the next turn.

If you are hit by a person with a higher speed, then you are at -2 DX for two turns. If your speed is such that you have already attacked, then the penalty is effectively 1 turn for you (unless you have to make a saving throw later in the turn for some reason). This means, having a low DX sucks.
We always played that the -2 DX applied to the next action by the person hit for 5+ damage.

It seemed wrong otherwise (i.e. to read it that lower-DX figures hit for 5 get to answer with an unpenalized attack at full DX), as it again gave a kind of advantage to someone with lower DX only.

However we varied whether the -2 DX lasted through the next turn or not. We usually did it as you describe, Rick, where it meant figures hit before their action were at -2 DX for two actions rather than one. But sometimes we played it as "your next action" (whenever that is), which seemed a fairer from a certain point of view, and also required less memory.

Also when someone was knocked down by damage, we applied the -2 to them too, so their next action would take place at -2DX slower, and if they tried to do something while prone (throw, cast, or HTH), also at -2, possibly also -3 if their ST were down to 3 or less.
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