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Old 12-31-2013, 06:26 AM   #5
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Default Re: Dreams into Nightmares, and Back?

Originally Posted by PenitentDemon View Post
Not sure what to do with the Dream about your Parents/Wife finding your collection of porn/drugs, any ideas?
It would likely depend on the angel and the person in question, but my first thought would be to have them turn the confrontation into a joke and obviously not care about the stash, though both those things ~could~ strengthen demonic words so they could also turn to gentle good advice to draw the human away from those items.

I know a common theme I've seen in nightmares both mine and ones I've heard people talk about is a sense of helplessness. These things are happening and nothing you do can stop it or even seems to make it better. So step by step giving the dreamer a sense of agency within the dream could help. I'm not talking about making them a lucid dreamer, but if they are being chased by a monster have them find things that they can use to kill or trap the monster. Don't just reveal that it's really a friend of theirs chasing them, but let them unmask the friend playing a prank on them ect....
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