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Old 05-24-2016, 09:01 AM   #8
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Australia WA
Default Re: New Advantage: Master of Targeted Attacks [30]

Originally Posted by Tomsdad View Post
Only I'm not sure the proposed advantage does that, TA are skill specific. I'm guessing the inclusion of 7x weapon adaptation (one for each TA) is there to allow you get the bonus with every skill you have. But that not how the perk Weapon adaption works:
Custom made Advantages don't need to fit the exact pieces they're made with, using all the Targeted Attack and Weapon Adaption Techniques and perks as price gauges to come to an estimated fair value.

As it is though, I agree pure skill is better.
The problem I can see though is if the cost becomes to low, then it will become to good, and I quite like most attacks being aimed at the torso or random hit location, with only occasional attacks being targeted elsewhere for a specific purpose and this will change it to most attacks being aimed somewhere crippling, because the penalties are much lower (which is why I never allow Targeted Attack to be bought up as a technique anymore, except for limbs or extremities), or the price will be to expensive for most people to want to take, and then there isn't much point of it existing.

(Sorry if anything stopped making sense, I just realised it's really late, and I'm not sure if I ended typing on the same train of thought as I started with)
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