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Old 05-01-2012, 12:35 PM   #1
vicky_molokh's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Kyïv, Ukraine
Default While waiting for GURPS Conspiracies . . .

Greetings, all!

So, I want to add some conspiracy groups/organisations to Æthereal Sun. Since GURPS Conspiracies is nowhere near available, I skimmed the old Illuminati* book. I was hoping to see some guidelines to making plausible combinations of organisation size, assets, influence levels etc. Now, maybe I skimmed too fast, but I didn't find any.

I'm trying to figure how much can different organisations achieve given their size/assets. I'm mostly aiming towards a power level where the conspirators can't 'do whatever they want to' (so not X-Files/Deus Ex/Mass Effect level powerhouses of a conspiracy!), but rather strive to be covert until the end. Perhaps the one aspect I want to borrow from DX1: even knowing the big bad from the very beginning of the game will be absolutely of no use to unravelling the ball of thread until 20 quests into the future. So, again, stealth and guile over power and numbers. This is also kinda encouraged by the setting in question: there are no superpower-states like in our world - most states are below 50M people in size, and there are many city-states; likewise, there are no mega-corporations; also, the global subconsciousness seems aggressive towards big organisations. I think that makes permeating small governments easier, but prevents XF/DX-level 'all of FEMA' conspiracy sizes.

So . . . any advice?
Thanks in advance!

* == Okay, so why doesn't my spell checker know this word?
Vicky 'Molokh', GURPS FAQ and uFAQ Keeper
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