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Old 09-29-2020, 08:13 PM   #49
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Kentucky, USA
Default Re: Justifying bioroids

One of the defining features of a bioroid, to me at least, is that they are essentially meat machines, not an animal in the traditional sense. They are assembled in their complete, and only, form with no intermediate stages.

That is not to say that parts aren't grown. You could very well grow muscles and bones and organs in vats then put them together like Legos. The parts don't even need to have similar genetics, so long as whatever passes for an immune system, which may be entirely artificial, doesn't attack it. A bioroid may have random artificial bits where a biological component wouldn't be able to take the strain or would be too complicated.

Taking a skin sample from a bioroid and growing it could result in some wild genetically engineered monstrosity you've never seen before because that gene line is used exclusively for the skin cells.

If you can grow and entire "bioroid" from a single cell, what you really have is a parahuman.
GURPS Fanzine The Path of Cunning is worth a read.
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