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Old 01-17-2019, 07:56 AM   #21
Join Date: Aug 2018
Default Re: Diffuse/Shadow Form and cover DR.

Nice find! The 1 or 2 does seem to suggest that it will probably stop as much damage as it takes. Since Diffuse takes full damage from AE, perhaps it works better as cover against AE attacks? Could explain why it's still effective to have soil blocking explosions or water blocking radiation.

Injury Tolerance: Damage Reduction not adding to cover DR is a good reason why guys like Superman would definitely need some DR to actually protect people!

It also makes me wonder the importance of the Cosmic modifier on Injury Tolerance: Damage Reduction to have it count BEFORE subtracting DR, rather than after, because in that case it sounds like it might effectively increase your Cover DR by reducing the basic damage that your DR acts upon.

Damage Reduction 1/2 (Limited: Piercing Attacks -40%) [30] would change small/normal/large/verylarge piercing multipliers from 0.50/1.00/1.50/2.00 to 0.25/0.50/0.75/1.00

Unliving [20] changes them to 0.20/0.33~/0.50/1.00 which is even better, PLUS reduces Impaling the same way. It costing less must mean that "provides less cover DR" is some kind of disadvantage?

Damage Reduction 1/3 (Limited: Piercing Attacks -40%) [45] would change S/N/L/VL multipliers to 1/6+1/3+1/2+2/3

Homogenous [40] changes them to 1/10+1/5+1/3+1/2 which is similarly better (and again, also protecting against Impaling) which reinforces the idea that reduced cover DR based on HP should probably qualify as some kind of disadvantage if it was possible to separate it.
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