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Old 12-12-2014, 04:24 PM   #14
Join Date: Apr 2006
Default Re: Detailed athletics rules, and male vs female muscle, basic speed, performance.

Here's what generally happens with this sort of plan.

P: "I'm making a woman."
GM: "Women have a 9 ST on average. You should reduce your ST by 1."
P: "Do I get the points back from that?"
GM: "Of course."
P: "Okay, then I spend the 10 points to buy my ST back up."
GM: "Your character's going to be stronger than average if you do that."
P: "Whatever, fine by me."

You can set different maximums, and you can encourage people to adopt your view of what a woman's stats might look like, but in general people are going to make the characters they want to make regardless of your suggested tweaks, and pushing hard to make them conform is just going to make you look like a domineering control freak.

Granted, you're tweaking Speed, not ST, but the same thing happens regardless.

Then again, these girls have quite literately been bred for this, born and raised too, and it's been going on for a few centuries or more. The template they're going for is extremely demanding, and out of every 2000 people born into it, only 3 meet it without something else disqualifying them. That 3 meet it at all is a minor miracle, only a result of being bred for it in the first place, the general public just wouldn't have the stats needed.
Whatever. It doesn't matter. Here's what you do: you write up a little background, like you did here, and then at the end you tack on something like "any character who could have been one of these should have stats X, Y, Z at minimum". Check to make sure their character meets those minimums and you're done (with that part).

Last edited by Xplo; 12-12-2014 at 04:29 PM.
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