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Old 03-11-2012, 09:08 AM   #7
Michael Cule
Join Date: Jul 2005
Default Re: The Demon/Angel of Angst

Yes, the Kierkegaard link makes perfect sense.

But I think the Angel of Angst should be a servant of Dreams or Destiny not Judgement. He/She would be trying to help people avoid a pending negative Judgement by inspiring them to feel their failure to live up to their Destiny. I would say the Angel should be an Elohim who has the ability to inspire just one emotion in those he finds lagging in their duties. He would gain Essence by spurring people out of inaction.

The Demon of Angst (and let's not limit it to just teenagers though I'm sure they're a prime target) would probably be a Haballah (though there's a case for an Impudite) and yes, they should definitely be a servant of Nightmares. They get Essence from miring people in self-pity. Calling upon them should probably involve the sacrifice of whatever clothing is currently fashionable among the young to indicate being 'different' or just make you look unattractive. (I am for the record a grumpy 57 year old...)
Michael Cule,
Genius for Hire,
Gaming Dinosaur Second Class
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