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Old 04-16-2019, 01:45 PM   #13
Join Date: Oct 2018
Default Re: Other than Spellcasting, what ELSE causes Fatigue?

The problem is, rules breed like tribbles. In actual fact every single thing that is done by anyone uses energy and fatigues them to some extent. Detailed fatigue rules could add pages that would constantly need be referenced and totally subvert play of the game. The more detailed the rules the worse it would be since detailed rules would imply that anything not included is considered free of causing fatigue.

The best approach is what has already been done. Scatter examples of things that cause fatigue through the rules so people get a feel for what the GM may want to apply a penalty to. That is all that is needed. If, as GM you tell your players that as a result of their 30 mile forced march the day before and failure to find any food for last nights supper as well as nothing for breakfast, that everyone starts the day with 3 fatigue hits against them everyone should understand that. If one of your players tells you that isn't in the rules and you cant do that, they need be gently counseled on the concept of a GMed game.
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