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Old 02-12-2008, 05:33 AM   #7
Gold & Appel Inc
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: One Mile Up
Default Re: Updating GURPS IST

Originally Posted by Eltharon
Thats quite a bit of alternate history...most of 2001+ needs to be re-written if 9/11 and the Iraq War turn out differently. I'd imagine the US economy would be much better without the Iraq War, and with ISTs tracking down Bin Laden...he might be already captured.
Iran would still be a problem, of course.
I think we can keep the events closer to OTL in three easy steps if we really want to.

1) Give Bin Laden one Super Ally, a fanatic whose only power is the ability to Obscure all known forms of super-detection (magic, ESP, etc) in a decent radius around himself, with No Signature.

2) The US keeps accusing Iraq of running illegal metahuman-creation research programs, and of violating the limits on the size and scope of the thinly-veiled national team everybody seems to have.

3) Iraq refuses inspections and eventually drops out of the UN in protest. Long before the UN tires of the diplomatic route the US, Canada, and UK invade, insisting that they must find the WMDs (Warlike Metahuman Developments) but accused of all sorts of ulterior motives, and we now return you to your regularly-scheduled cluster-f$#&.
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