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Old 09-04-2010, 02:47 PM   #32
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Location: Kyïv, Ukraine
Default Re: Cultural and Technological Consequences of Racial Daredevil trait

Originally Posted by Jerron View Post
I see the advantage leading to a greeater degree of the occurance, so while it might not be a compulsion, it will color the culturally acceptable behavior to such a degree that *other* races might see it as a compulsion. I do agree that it is not, still the collective psychology will be tainted to a huge degree. Otherwise why have it as a racial ad? It would mean little more than a limited form of racial luck if it didn't.
I'm just trying to remind people not to try turning an Advantage into a special form of low-key insanity . . . at least no more than other social expectations turn out to be.

Originally Posted by Jerron View Post
Unmodified honesty does not do this. You follow the laws, which include jurisdictional changes to the laws. There are certain issues regarding whether you know them and such, but granted the power to know all of the laws and jurisdictional considertions, you follow the local ones, not your home ones. Basic set- "In an area with little or no law, you do not "go wild" - you act as though the laws of your own home were in force." I believe this was what you were thinking of. This race could perhaps follow their own laws no matter the jurisdiction- a sort of honesty where they believe only their laws have jurisdiction over them. We have RL examples of this, but perhaps some sort of Diplomatic Immunity would be best to model this in GURPS *if and only if* the local jurisdictions respect this point of view.
My reason for giving the limitation was to point out how perfectly they adhere to their laws on their islands, not to cause them trouble abroad - that is handled through a CoH, but let's not get entangled in local politics, unless people want to discuss the idea-seeds of the whole setting rehaul. ;) I'm trying to figure things one at a time.
Vicky 'Molokh', GURPS FAQ and uFAQ Keeper
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