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Old 02-02-2019, 11:11 AM   #1
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Default Wargaming TFT Urban - Random Encounters

Wargaming TFT Urban Environmental Events (battle)

This covers various things that could randomly come up during a fantasy City/Town/Village battle. It can be inserted into any scenario where appropriate to add a little story or flavoring to your game.

You either decide it is going to happen in a certain location and then roll on the appropriate charts or you roll on the Urban Encounter charts and then determine where to place the event.

Note: Friendly or Friendlies means your own military or allies. Partisan is a civilian actively fighting or spying against enemy.

1) Random Event By Initial Encounter
This is broken down into six types. Either select which type of overall situation is playing in right now, then proceed to the lettered encounter box for event OR roll a die for it.
a) New area untouched by war or enemy. (both you and enemy are converging into this area.)

b) New area untouched by war, but occupied by enemy. (There hasn’t been a battle yet in this town that the enemy controls. The enemy took it without much fight.)

c) New area touched by magic* and nothing else: Magical earthquake or Magical lighting or dragon attack, etc. (This would be a recently pre-attack ‘bombing’ OR one that occurred many days before. There hasn’t been a battle yet in this town but the enemy now controls it. Those who were defending the town have moved on or were killed in the venture.)

d) New area just touched by war (first battle attack happened within 6 hours), with no pre-attack softening. The defenders are still here in some parts of the town.

e) Area touched by war (for several days now.)

f) Area pounded by war (heavily contested.)

Note: On events A through D, the figures (and the player) may have thought they were the lead element of the army entering, and yet there are already dead enemy. This could be poor information given the leader that they were first in or assumptions by the non-coms or partisans or some other bizarre situation.

  • If it says adjacent table or next table, it means that the set up you have on the table now is ‘next to’ another virtual table that extends your gaming.
  • A comment like ground/chair means the item could be found on the ground, or a chair or wherever you want.
  • If there is an indication like (1-2) do x, (3) do y, (4-6) do z, this means that you will roll one die and if the result is a 3, you do y. This is different than the footnote indicator that comes behind some of the entries.
  • “Incapacitated” means alive, but unconscious, dazed or otherwise not able to move and cannot fight. Fit the characters ST appropriately.

- - - - - - - - -

Roll 2d6 on each chart. If you are going to re-use chart this encounter, re-roll any event that you already have done.
OR roll 1d12, re-rolling 1.

Roll “A” event
2) Partisan tries to find commanding officer to offer help. (1)
3) The father of a family offers hot food and drink just before he ducks down and bolts the cellar door.
4) Dog on long leash tied to door handle. It barks. (1)
5) 2d6 workers or farmers heading toward/leaving workplace carrying tools and lunch wraps. (2)
6) Children are playing. (1) (2)
7) Children come out of the woodwork to beg for treats.
8) A wagon filled with civilians goes by. (2)
9) There is a religious procession going down the street of 1d6 priests and 3d6 followers. (2)
10) 3d6 civilians are busy sandbagging their immense statue to protect it. (2)
11) 1+1d6 Civilian repairmen are fixing the street or city wall.(2)
12) A somewhat discreet young couple is making love. (1) (2)
(1) This can be inside a room or outside (exterior).
(2) This is before any hostilities start (before alarms), when it is quiet.

Roll “B” event
2) This building is occupied by high-ranking enemy official. Lots of expensive stuff. Those who like to loot may need to make savings roll.
3) Freshly painted on a building is a whitewash arrow pointing up to an unusual balcony across the street that has long vertical slits along its newly built wall.
4) You come across a truly historical pristine immense marble statue. It is only partially scaffolded and sandbagged. (1)
5) Several windows in this room have enemy uniforms hanging in them.
6) A civilian is hanging from a tree branch with sign “Partisan.”
7) Home Furniture is piled up outside a building. Clothing is strewn about.
8) A small cart pulled by a goat drives by. (2)
9) 1d6 enemy soldiers are trying to put out a fire in a covered wagon.
10) A civilian horse & cart is shying from enemy cavalry which are now blocked in.
11) 1+1d6 drunken enemies are having a brawl while two Sergeants are breaking it up. (2)
12) The bodies of 1d6+1 enemies, including a colonel with a satchel. (1)
(1) This can be inside a room or outside (exterior).
(2) This is before any hostilities start, when it is quiet.

Roll “C” event
2) Structure weakened by cracks – 50% chance of wall collapsing on victims. Triggered when within 2 hexes of it. Take exploding gem damage.
3) Part of the town is actively burning with smoke and rubble. (2)
4) A priest is arguing with an enemy officer.
5) There are large craters in the road make it difficult for wagons to pass.
6) Dead horse with high-ranking incapacitated officer (1-4=enemy, 5=civilian, 6=friendlie) on side of road.
7) Figures can hear trumpets several tables away.
8) 1d6 enemy freshly killed by flames. (1)
9) The wall of a tannery/fishmarket has collapsed and it smells terrible. Must move 12” away from building or gag.
10) A family is repairing the wall of their house that was damaged by the enemy.
11) 1/2d6 very “Dead on their Feet” enemy snoring at their post.
12) 2d6 dead civilians, 1/2d6 horses and 1/2d6 destroyed carts/wagons in road, buildings or both.
(1) This can be inside a room or outside (exterior).
(2) Choose 1/2d6 buildings on fire.

Roll “D” event
2) A panicked friendly scout is curled into a ball in a corner. (1)
3) Civilian hiding gold coins in floor boards.
4) Music is loudly playing from one of the buildings.
5) Dead enemy scout with telescope, map and signal flags. (1)
6) Teenager with enemy bow peering over dead enemy with slit throat. (1)
7) Spilled valise strewing silver & copper coins and jewelry next to dead civilians. Savings Roll to avoid looting. (1)
8) The smell of freshly burnt evergreen/oak/rosemary permeates the area.
9) An abandoned enemy cavalry mount is standing idle.
10) There is a megahex of deep mud not easily seen until 1 hex away.
11) Abandoned guardpost, with lots of food debris and spilled deck of porn cards. (1)
12) From the other side of the table, you see an old civilian man with semaphores communicating with someone behind you. He is trying not to be seen from the sides or behind.
(1) This can be inside a room or outside (exterior).

Roll “E” event
2) Building with enemy banners draped over various window sills and Unit Standard on display.
3) Damaged store room, filled with broken containers of volatile fluid. 50% chance of igniting it if you have torch or sparks go into room.
4) A civilian teenage girl is climbing out of a window holding a burlap bag.
5) Friendly and enemy bodies laid out on side of road.
6) A dog wanders by wagging its tail or snarling. (1)
7) Figure trips a wire booby-trap. (1-2) Nothing happens, (3-4) Parts of it fall to the floor and nothing happens, (5-6) it goes off as explosive gem in center of room.
8) 2d6 dead cows are in stock yard.
9) Prone wounded civilian asking for help. (1)
10) Damaged store room, filled with broken containers of drippy, sticky fluid. 50% chance of getting this on you and reducing your MA by 1.
11) Blowing in the wind are signed confession parchments of local government official.
12) A voice comes from a room. Upon investigation it is (1-4) a mockingbird in a cage, (5-6) the room is empty and noise is caused from odd acoustics.
(1) This can be inside a room or outside (exterior).

Roll “F” event
2) Room is filled with week-old rotted civilian bodies. Roll ST to avoid gagging and exiting. (1)
3) One table away, the enemy on megaphone is offering a truce so that both sides can collect wounded and the dead.
4) Skeletal remains of ant covered Friendlies under building debris. (1)
5) Catacombs below street has weakened. 50% chance of its collapsing when within 2 hexes of it.
6) There is the sound of a collapsing building nearby.
7) Barricade of broken wagons and furniture is blocking road.
8) A lone crow flies over several times and caws.
9) Way down the street, an enemy physicker is slowly making his way to a wounded enemy.
10) In a room, an injured, partially clad, starving enemy warrant officer is under debris and moaning.
11) 2 tables away is the muffled sound of heavy battle is occurring.
12) A 4 megahex sphere of brownish smoke is drifting across the table at 5 hexes per turn. Visibility is reduced to 8 hexes and anyone in its radius is at ST -1 for hurt lungs unless mouth is covered with fabric.
(1) This can be inside a room or outside (exterior).
- Hail Melee

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Last edited by JohnPaulB; 02-04-2019 at 08:50 PM. Reason: Fix typos.
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