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Old 01-27-2019, 02:13 PM   #13
Join Date: Aug 2005
Default Re: Micro Managing Illusions?

Originally Posted by warhorse11h View Post
I think I would have to disagree with you on the autonomous actions. ITL also says, "Since illusions are in part fed by the observers, an illusion will always act as the “average” type of the thing it is. An illusion of a fighter will fight as a standard beginning fighter, with ST, DX, and IQ adding to 32. A wizard cannot create an illusion of a highly-experienced fighter unless it appears to be some powerful fighter known to the enemy. If they recognize him, they will think they are fighting that powerful hero – and in such a case, an illusion of a man might have ST of 16 and DX of 14, quite legally. Note, though: if the people who see the illusion do not recognize it, it won’t get that extra ST and DX. If they do recognize it, they may try to disbelieve!"

The gist of the above would seem to be that the believers of the illusion, at least to some extent dictate what it does. The caster can, as you noted, give it directions, but if the believers see a guy with a sword and shield and they think it is going to be a fight, they get a fight, the illusion delivers on their expectations.
I would suggest that the observers help define who/what the illusion IS while creating wizard defines what the illusion DOES. In the Wizard combat example the wizard casts no other spell after creating the illusion, while wizard summoning a wolf casts another spell before the wolf disappears.
Thus an illusion requires concentration while a summoning doesn't.
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