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Old 10-04-2020, 09:27 AM   #13
Join Date: Dec 2017
Default Re: Octopus vs starting human in HTH

And I would say implicitly assumes your target has a scale and number of limbs that could plausibly be pinned. It is now well established 'case law' that you need to use your brain and not intentionally try to break things if you are going to adjudicate complex situations in TFT - we have lots of technical moving parts but not billions of explicit rules that guide your hand on every exception.

More generally, I think the pinning rules are perfectly good for abstract treatment of wrestling between two humanoids in the same weight class. They are obviously not o.k. for non humanoids or combatants of significantly dissimilar strength and size. Personally, I think the most obvious house rules (so obvious it probably belongs in the errata) are to make ST difference count in the attack roll and to have the escape roll depend on relative rather than absolute strengths (i.e., when two hobbits wrestle no one pinned can ever escape; when two giants wrestle no one can fail their escape roll, assuming they get to make it).

The most parsimonious rulings I can suggest are to make the attack roll a contest where each contestant picks between ST and DX as their master stat, and to have the escape roll be a contest of ST.

Also, I think it is ludicrous to imagine a 32 point character with a dagger could defeat a properly armed and played octopus in an arena fight.
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