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Old 03-06-2018, 03:30 PM   #24
Join Date: Mar 2018
Location: New England
Default Re: The Economic System in TFT

Originally Posted by JLV View Post
After that, the wheels sort of start coming off, and if your answer is proven inconsistent down the line, the players start seeing the system as irrational and suspect you, the GM, of playing "against" them instead of with them.
Yes, OK, excellent point. That is a genuine concern.

Originally Posted by JLV View Post
Understanding and establishing some basic things in your game world (like gross economics, weather patterns, general geography, rough technology levels, etc.) is fundamental to establishing your game world.
Yes, again, you raise a good point.

BUT ...

How would it look if you elided all the stuff that happens between adventures?

Yeah, sure, there are some real nuggets to be found in interactions with NPCs in the bar. A world where you belong to The Black Company (dibs on writing that supplement!) would revolve around bars, to be honest.

But then again, Tolkien didn't spend a lot of time going over the foraging techniques as practiced in Ithilien by Faramir. Pipin didn't negotiate a stipend with the Guard. And I don't recall seeing a price list at the Prancing Pony in Bree.

When an adventure ends, why not just glide over mundane stuff and slide into the next hook?

"Well, you get some of that well-deserved rest you complained about missing in the woods -- and Esmeralda is certainly glad to see you back. The horses were getting restless and the hobbit was getting fat, when one morning, while out on your constitutional (on Physicer's orders) you spy a strange man striding across the glen: a man who looks vaguely familiar..."

Personally, my players never seemed to mind. But then again, perhaps that was just the expectations I'd set so they never asked for a richer, more in-depth treatment of daily life?
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