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Old 10-05-2005, 12:20 AM   #2
Pyramid Contributor
Mad Spaniard Rules Lawyer
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Default Re: Rules Update for Illuminati?

Well, Illuminati, is IMHO, one of the best games SJG has created, so I must say I'm really exited that a new expansion set is in the works.

As for this problem, well, it has not happened to me, but I understand it could be a hassle. I would personally go for option 2.

Option 1 makes you discard your specials, and they're so damn usefull, if only to trade them for priviledged attacks.

Option 3 and 3a) greatly reduce the power of the already struggling Network group during the first turns. With the rules as written, the network draws 100% more cards than the rest of the table, thus having twice the chance to draw a special. With rules 3 and 3a, the network only draws 66% more... Also, it could make cicling through the groups way too fast during the first turns, while the rule is in effect.

Also, Steve, is there going to be a public playtest?
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