Thread: Talent System
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Old 01-19-2018, 04:02 PM   #8
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Default Re: Talent System

Originally Posted by larsdangly View Post
1) Introduction of something like a 'talent point' inventory that lets you learn additional talents and spells without raising your IQ. In my house rules you start play with one TP per IQ point, you automatically gain 1 TP each time your IQ goes up, but you can purchase one TP without an IQ increase for half as many EXP as a normal attribute increase. You could debate the details of the EXP cost but I think something along these lines is a good system.
I recall doing something like this for powering spells (Spell Points?) and for Hit Points. The Exp cost was something like 1/3 the cost of increasing an attribute, and it allowed for a wider range of characters, like a frail old hedge witch who couldn't learn Fireball, but could throw a 15 point Magic Fist if she had to. Actually we may have limited the power of missile spells to 1/2 of IQ.

Hit Points represented how hard you were to kill, rather than how much damage you could physically take. So if a ST 10 character bought 3 HP instead of 1 ST he'd have 13 HP and still be ST 10.

It did add two more stats, but there were used in place of the existing IQ and ST during combat so it didn't slow down the game. And they still fit on a 3x5 index card. :)

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