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Old 01-11-2019, 09:40 AM   #87
Donny Brook
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Default Re: Comment my megacorporation

Originally Posted by Alonsua View Post
It seems that many pharmaceutical companies work like this though.
What? They can't sell anything in most countries without safety or regulatory approval.

The words are NAIs, robotics and swarms.
Do you mean the workers? Does your entire company have no lower level human employees? I didn't have that impression from the initial write-up.

The founders were shareholders from the beginning and currently hold 25%.
Well look, I'm not so keen on this discussion that I want to pursue it if I have to pull teeth to get information. I asked more that just that and you haven't answered.

There were a couple of rounds of funding. Profits are great, for 120B the net income would have been about 15.12B.
That's another incomplete answer.

Here is what I asked: "You didn't say who provided them or how they were obtained (noting that the value of the company immediately after the merger seems to have been $120B, what revenue evidence/expectations supported the loan applications) . Also, hundreds of billions could be 200 or 900, can be you be more specific? Finally, how much remains outstanding on them, and what is/was the average of the carrying interest rate?"

If you don't want to actually discuss the subject, why did you post?

Seems like a lot of companies work like this, i.e. Amazon.
Yes, a lot of companies have supervoting shares and there is no reason yours can't. But I don't see how that is relevant to the information I provided you about how they are addressed in buy-out situations and by potential investors. If you are concerned about realism, you now have information to factor into your narrative.

Sure. It should get fixed before that happens though.
Sure, but not if I were successful. Are you asking how can rivals without any hope of rivalling you defeat you?

Yes it is.
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