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Old 09-24-2018, 09:31 PM   #33
Blue Ghost
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Spinward Marches
Default Re: CW as a roleplaying game?

Just to add here, and this has probably been mentioned before, but Car Wars' characters lack the "granularity" to allow extensive interpersonal combat (much less vehicular combat) with said characters. I think that from the get go (and the lack of a well defined RP rule set from the earliest versions) kept CW RPing mostly in the theoretical realms.

In real world physics a car crash kills instantly if you aren't restrained.
And a 50 cal round, much less several of them, hitting a person, usually means instant death. I think the rules were formulated with that notion in mind. So any RPing adventure, in my opinion, almost necessitates being vehicle centric.

If you're in the post-apoc ruins of a city with bandits, zombies, mutated critters and whatever else, then getting out of your car with the rest of your party is a risky proposition. Body armor gives you three extra points. Impact armor gives you six extra HPs, but those have to be from impacts.

To me this means that RPing sessions need to be really creative, or more equipment, armor, weapons and other "stuff" might need inventing for the 3 HP CW character to give him the edge he needs to survive.

I have other thoughts on this, but I think those are some notions I'd like to toss out there.
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