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Old 07-09-2018, 04:43 PM   #233
David Johnston2
Join Date: Dec 2007
Default Re: Alternate Crosstime Organizations

The House of A Thousand Doors is a pocket universe which takes the form of a vast and ancient multilevel mansion. It isn't wired for electricity but has gas lamps of a sophisticated design for lighting in the rooms. The mansion has no exterior. Instead the many halls and antechambers that have an exterior door have each door lead to a different world. It doesn't matter how many stairs you climb or descend. The doors will still lead to a exit point with solid ground or floor at the exit point...although it may be a mountain cliff, or the floor of a space habitat. The bedrooms each have a window that shows an exterior scene but they can't be opened. If broken they simply stop showing the scene until repaired by the Master of the House.

As for the inhabitants of the house they consist of the Guests and the Staff. The Guests are a heterogeneous lot who were usually invited because they were in great danger in their homeland and had Staff dispatched to offer them a chance to escape. They are free to come and go through the various doors and engage in what commerce they see fit as long they obey basic rules like "don't break the windows" and "don't murder the Staff". They can murder each other, but only outside the House. However in order to return to the house you must find the place where the invisible and intangible door is and feel around until it appears and it will only do so as long as no uninvited person is watching.

As for the Master of the House, of the Staff (pages, maids, footmen, cooks, butlers), only the Head Butler ever sees the reclusive Master and he passes on all commands. Some theorize that the Head Butler is actually the true Master or that the Master is the House itself. The Master however seems to be quite a collector and will occasional offer rewards to Guests if they can return with various treasures, some of which decorate the House while others are never seen again.
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