Thread: Anyone around?
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Old 06-24-2017, 07:26 AM   #18
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Default Re: Anyone around?

Originally Posted by EvilGeniusPrime View Post
Yeah. My group is hesitant. They're Christian, and one guy is claiming the game is borderline blasphemous. Meh. I'm an atheist. It's just mythology to me. I'm still working on them though.
As a Christian myself, I like In Nomine... and it's all just mythology to me.

(Mythology is powerful, and has had a huge effect on human society over the centuries. A decent amount of what's in the Bible is mythology. It's more interesting and meaningful if you realize that in reading it.)

If the putative Christian players are of the Biblical literalist sort of Christian, or if they really believe in angels as individuals rather than as metaphors, then I would guess In Nomine will never sit well with them. If they push closer to Unitarianism (which is probably like me), they're all good. If they're somewhere in between, just avoid anything specifically having to do with Jesus, keep God at the remove he's at in Canon, and honestly there's really not that much in the game that is really all that dangerous.

Of course, if you love moral quandries and big metacosmological questions, there's also Planescape (which I've run in the past using both GURPS and Fudge). That one is explicitly fiction from the get-go. Heck, it's even from the Baatezu and Tanar'ri era of D&D. (They have a pretty cool in-game retcon justification for those names, by the way.)
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