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Old 01-17-2016, 12:50 AM   #1
Join Date: May 2015
Default Shape Earth Spell Clarification Sought

I was discussing an issue related to Shape Earth with my GM and came to learn that my interpretation of the spells as written was very different from his. So I am going to go over a few key parts of the spells description here and explain what I think they mean and expand on how that meaning implies to me that the spell can be use.

"Move earth about and shape it into any form."

To me this means you can cause the amount of earth you take control of to take literally any form. The only reasonable limitations I can think to attribute to this would be that you need to be able to clearly visualize. And watching the earth take on that form slowly can only improve your visualization. This does not mean I think being able to shape earth would automatically impart any knowledge on useful configurations of earth.

"An unstable form (e.g., a column or wall) lasts only while the spell continues – no special concentration is required – and then collapses."

I take this to reinforce that you can make any form, shape, that you like while maintaining the spell but once you cease to maintain the spell any unsupported earth will then drop and all involved earth will settle into it's most natural state. So you could form earth into a standing cross and it would remain for as long as you chose to spend energy on it and then flop to the ground.

"An Architecture roll may be required to create a stable form."

This sentence while very important and making a great deal of sense strikes me as more of a very solid example that skills can and should be applied when shaping earth. I am sort of surprised it doesn't use geology instead. But the fact that if once you release the spell you want your creation to maintain it's shape on its own as it settles you need to apply the proper skill makes sense completely.

Where my GM and I differ most is I think that while maintaining the spell any appropriate skill should be able to be applied to achieve a more advanced form. He said that because architecture is the only skill mentioned it is the only skill that can be used with shape earth. I can't remember exactly but I think he may have said architecture was likely the only real purpose of the spell. The fact that GURPS used "may" in a sentence during a spell description only reinforced my believe that it is a suggestion or even more likely an example of how skills can and should be used with this spell. Not so much a limitation to just that spell.

I also have a question in general that I don't see addressed even by my interpretation of the spell. It requires no special concentration to simply maintain so once a shame is achieved there is no reason I can think of you shouldn't be able to maintain the spell and thus the shape and cast another spell on that earth. Such as earth to stone.

For example someone could shape something like this...

of earth if they had the right skills in art and while maintaining the shape turn it to stone. Making a piece of art.

I actually have concerns about the spell essential earth and it's possible effects on a game myself but that spell isn't what this thread is about. It is purely about how the Shape Earth spell works, what skills can be used in conjunction, and if the caster may cast any spells at all on it while the shape is still being maintained by the original spell.

Please help me clear this up. If I'm wrong maybe try to explain how I am misinterpreting all of the quoted lines please. If you only focus on one and ignore the others I will have trouble really giving your point much credit.

Either way thanks for taking the time to read my wall of text.
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