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Old 09-15-2019, 06:29 AM   #25
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Rounding DR and AD

Originally Posted by Plane View Post
Recoil-control is a skill which can prevent getting hit in the face, but ultimately it is the actual recoil which causes the gun to fly back when fired.
A firearm that discharges while in the air is indeed going to be flung backward - as noted, a typical pistol bullet has somewhere in the neighborhood of 2.682kg*m/s, and by Newton that means the shot must impart the same to the weapon (well, the weapon may get a bit more, from pushing out gasses and unburnt powder after the bullet has already left the barrel, but I doubt it’s enough to make much difference). A quick look online notes a Glock 21 is around 1 kg fully loaded, so it would fling the weapon back at over 2 m/s (indeed, it’s nearly 3 yards per second). A GURPS average human would have an 8 lb or so arm (appropriate for a 150 lb person), which is 3.6 or so kg, meaning a decent grip would cut the above down to below 0.5 m/s, and good recoil control (which will involve actively using the muscles to slow the weapon down) will make it practically null.
GURPS Overhaul
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