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Old 07-22-2016, 08:33 AM   #5
Fred Brackin
Join Date: Aug 2007
Default Re: GURPS Magic: Create Food

Originally Posted by MIB.6361 View Post
The spells description says "the closer the starting material is to food, the tastier the end result will be."

So, the question is, would you consider waste matter to still be "close to food" since it obviously once was?
The text of Purify Food might give use guidance. It says that that spell can be cast on any edible or formerly edible item and that it removes any unwholesomeness. If the whole item was unwholesome it vanishes entirely.

If you cast Purify Food on human poop it would remove all the bacteria and leave that fiber the dieticians always want you to eat more of. Termites and some ruminants have symbiotic bacteria that can break down cellulose but it's nothing to humans (except possibly a sponge to soak up unwanted cholesterol). Any cholesterol remaining would improve the nutritional value.

So poop would be on a par with "bacterially contaminated wood pulp" (with special added sulfur compounds for the aroma) and I would rate neither as very food-like. You're down in the miscellaneous organics department. If you used Purify Food on it to get down to the indigestible fiber you'd be al least a little closer.
Fred Brackin
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