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Old 06-25-2012, 08:09 AM   #18
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Ottawa, Canada
Default Re: Luck based powers

Originally Posted by sir_pudding View Post
I don't think you can take Affect Others like that on Luck. Wishing seems to preclude it.
I disagree. They're two different effects, and frankly, Affect Others is the worse of the two.

Wishing can be used on anyone in sight, and can affect anything, friend or foe alike. There's no "resistance" to this.

With Affect Others, +50%, you first need to take a Ready Maneuver to touch the other person to affect them. You must then remain in physical contact, or it's lost. In combat, that's very limiting. Granted, for non-combat skill rolls, it can still be useful... but it requires knowing in advance that you want to use it.

If you want to affect people at range, you need to take one or more levels of Area Effect. At this point, it's just as if not more expensive than wishing. And, you still affect only 1 person at a time, and you have to "ready" the subject, so you must still actively pick a subject to affect before he needs to use it; you still can't just decide to change a skill roll.

Finally, even with Affect Others at range, you still can't affect an enemy's roll, because, if I recall correctly, the subject has to be willing.

So, all in all, I find Affect Others on Luck to be rather limiting compared to wishing. If someone wanted to take it, I'd therefore allow it.
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