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Old 09-04-2014, 12:03 PM   #7
Join Date: Aug 2009
Default Re: Madness Dossier in the 1920s

Thanks for the input Phil. I was going for more of a British type setting anyway. I felt that there was enough with regards to that era that an early version of Sandman would be in operation. More like stretching out the legs and figuring out what most of the evidence is leading to with their digs and what not. I feel that there would be a lot more investigation in play then all out countering the assault from the other side.

With lack of weapons, I'm thinking of having a lot more human cultists/slaves be the main 'baddies' with the monsters being the Big Bad of each arc perhaps. Right now I've got of the 6 characters fleshed out. One is a British Officer who served in WWI. I'm tying his big foray into the unknown with a really cool bit of history that is unexplained. He has not been joined up with the foundation yet. He is still in the dark for most of what the 'real' campaign is about.

There is a character in history,, she survived the 3 largest sinkings of the early 1900s, including the Titanic. I'm going to include those as being parts of the other side trying to come through and they had to scuttle those ships for various reasons. One of the ships she survived was the According to the article, there was an 'unknown officer' who saved countless lives by being cool under pressure. The British Officer will be that man.

I'm thinking of tying Violet Jessop into the early foundations of what would become Project Sandman and she would recommend this player to the organization for his skills under stress.

The other player is going to be a singer who is able to command the 'power words' and is already a fledgling member of this organization. Basically a spell caster that instead of wands/fireballs she uses command words. The other 4 are still up in the air so far. I'm liking the ideas so far and am glad to hear about some possibilities with the limited tech and history of Sandman.

The advantage of having it done back in history, is that I have a large collection of 'unexplained' stories to work with. For instance, they'll be some of the earlier surveyers of the Tunguska event. One of the main expeditions happened in 1927 and that is right around the corner from where they willl be starting. I'm also tying in some pretty significant historical events like King Tut's tomb being found in 1922, as well as the Oxford Dictionary being released in 1928. I'm going to try and tie in a lot of suppression linguistics with that release that helps prevent further cultisms for a bit. Pretty cool stuff in store for them :) Just need to figure out more of the mechanics involved.
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