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Old 07-31-2009, 10:24 PM   #1
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Location: Madison, WI
Default [heretical] Calabim of Technology resonance

Yes, the official rules state that Vapula doesn't create that band himself...but demonic Words like Sabotage, Computer Viruses, Train Wrecks, and Junkyards seem perfectly suited for a Calabite in his service. Even if the GM insists that Vapula has to borrow his Destroyers from outside, there's probably a Band Attunement to go with the service contract. I imagine it working like this...

Calabim of Technology suffer a penalty equal to their Celestial Forces when using their resonance on a mechanical object. (They can wreck such things if they have to, but are extremely reluctant to go that far.) When the modified roll succeeds, the Check Digit of the Calabite's roll determines the amount of damage inflicted. For instance, this might be the result of a Tech Destroyer's attack on a home computer:

1 -- A problem which an average user could fix hiimself in half an hour at most. (Reconfiguring familar software, for example, might be necessary at this level.)
2 -- A problem which an average user could fix himself in an hour, or needs a cheap replacement part to repair (e.g., a new mouse or keyboard).
3 -- A problem which takes the average user several hours' time (with tech support); he still might need to pay for repairs or a replacement part. A medium-risk virus attack might qualify here.
4 -- A problem which takes the average user most of a day to fix (with tech support); he may need to pay for a moderately expensive part instead. A major virus which requires wiping the hard drive/reinstalling the system qualifies; so would a monitor and speakers ruined by a leaking roof.
5 -- A problem that absolutely requires a professional and/or new, expensive parts to fix--taking days, and beyond the average user's ability. ("We're sorry, that power surge fried your motherboard and made your hard drive unrecoverable--but we can send you new ones in 6-10 business days.")
6 -- Massive damage that requires replacing the whole machine. "I can't understand what caught your PC on fire, sir...")
Ingeborg S. Nordén

Last edited by ISNorden; 07-31-2009 at 10:40 PM. Reason: formatting fix
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